1.Zhiyuan Zhang, Yang Song, Jean-Michel Sahut, Hong Pang (2021), “How to establish a coordinated supervisory mechanism of internet finance companies in China”. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Accepted (SSCI,影响因子:0.756). 2. 宋洋,逄亚男. 产学研协同创新联盟与政策设计研究[J].数量经济研究, 2021年第12卷第1期。 3.Yang Song, Wolfram Elsner, Ron Berger, Zhiyuan Zhang (2020), “Collaborative Innovation and Policy Support: The Emergence of Trilateral Networks”, Applied Economics, 52(34), 3651-3668 (SSCI,影响因子:0.968) 4.Yang Song, Ron Berger, Abraham Yosipof, Bradley R. Barnes (2019), Mining and investigating the factors influencing crowdfunding success, Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI, 影响因子:3.815), Volume 148,2019,119723, ISSN 0040-1625, 5.Yang Song, Leo Paul Dana, Ron Berger(2019),“The Entrepreneurial Process and Online Social Networks: Forecasting Survival Rate”, Small Business Economics (SSCI,影响因子: 3.555). 6.Yang Song, Francesca Grippa, Zylka, Peter Gloor, João Leitão (2019), Collaborative Innovation Networks: Latest Insights from Social Innovation, Education, and Emerging Technologies Research. Springer, Cham (编著). 7.Yang Song, Ziko Konwar and Ron Berger (2019), “Institutional Differences, Foreign Ownership Modes, Marketing Capabilities and Domestic Technological Catch-up: Evidence from India”, Science, Technology and Society (SSCI,影响因子:0.647). Vol.24, Issue 2, pp. 338–364 8.Song, Y. & Berger, R (2019), “How gender affects collaborative innovation networks performance: the case of the Dutch fashion industry”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Vol. 36, No. 4, pp.392–407. DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2019.098988 9.宋洋,徐英东,张志远.信息不对称条件下产品绿色质量虚假信息研究[J].吉林大学社会科学学报(C类),2019(01):36-45. 10.宋洋,徐英东,张志远.互联网金融创新与监管双赢:规避和管制的博弈分析[J].社会科学研究(C类),2018(04):25-31. 11.Song, Yang, Zylka, Matthäus P. & Gloor, Peter A. (2018), “‘German Association or Chinese Emperor?’ Building COINs Between China and Germany”. In Collaborative Innovation Networks (pp. 49-61). Springer, Cham. 12.Song, Yang & Berger, Ron (2017), “Relation between startups’ online social media presence and their fundraising”, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, Vol. 8 Issue: 2, pp.161-180 13.Song, Yang & Van Osch, Wietske (2015). ‘From Networks and Communities to Action Nets: Understanding Internet-Induced Acts of Organizing and Connecting’, International Journal of Humanities and Management Sciences (IJHMS), Vol. 3 Issue 4, 2015 14.Song, Yang (2015). ‘From Offline Social Networks to Online Social Networks: Changes in Entrepreneurship’, Informatica Economica, Vol. 19 No. 2,2015. 15.Song, Yang (2012). “Entrepreneur online social networks – structure, diversity and impact on start-up survival”. Int.J. Organisational Design and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2012. |