主持项目: 【1】吉林大学基本科研业务费哲学社会科学研究项目《中日企业跨国并购整合方法比较研究》(2017-2019年,已结项) 【2】吉林大学廉政建设专项研究课题《腐败对区域创新绩效的影响机制研究》(2017-2019年,已结项) 【3】吉林省教育厅“十三五”社会科学项目《吉林省科技企业孵化器政策评价研究》(2018-2020年,已结项) 【4】教育部人文社会科学研究项目青年基金项目《中国企业战略转型背景下“逆袭并购”隐形整合模式研究》(2018-2021年,已结项) 【5】中国博士后科学基金面上二等资助项目《国有企业逆袭并购中信任构建机制及对创新绩效影响研究》(2019,在研) 【6】吉林大学基本科研业务费哲学社会科学研究项目《“一带一路”背景下中国跨国企业社会责任构建机制研究》(2019-2021年,已结项) 【7】2020年度国家社会科学基金项目青年项目《国有企业高质量发展的国际双元创新模式研究》(2021-2023,在研) 【8】横向课题:《长春莲花山生态旅游度假区“十四五”期间社会事业发展的目标、思路和重点举措》(2020年,已结项) 【9】横向课题:《长春莲花山生态旅游度假区“十四五”期间持续改善生态环境的目标、思路和重点举措》(2020年,已结项) 【10】2021年度吉林大学劳动关系专项研究课题《国有企业和谐劳动关系激发员工双元创新行为的作用机制研究》(2021-2023,在研) 【11】中国博士后科学基金第14批特别资助(站中)《国有企业国际双元创新的平衡机制、路径演化与国际化创新绩效研究》(2021-博士后出站,在研) 【12】2021年研究生教育教学改革研究项目《“一带一路”倡议下在华留学生创新创业教育培养体系探索与实践研究》(2021-2022,在研)
发表论文(一作或通讯作者): 【1】Zhe Sun* (2015). Technology innovation and entrepreneurial state: the development of China’s high-speed rail industry. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 27(6), 646-659. (JCR Q3) 【2】Zhe Sun*, Tsvi Vinig, Thomas Daniel Hosman (2017). The financing of Chinese outbound mergers and acquisitions: is there a distortion between state-owned enterprises and privately owned enterprises?. Research in International Business and Finance, 39, 377-388. (JCR Q1) 【3】Zhe Sun* (2018). In search of complementarity in China’s innovation strategy through outward strategic mergers and acquisitions policy: a behavioural additionality approach. Science, Technology & Society, 23(1), 107-136. (JCR Q4) 【4】Zhe Sun* (2018). Chinese reverse M&A: the Wu Wei paradigm of post-M&A integration process. Chinese Management Studies, 12(4),774-794. (JCR Q4) 【5】Zhe Sun, Kumar Jai, Liang Zhao* (2019). Corporate social responsibility and sustainability of local community: a case study of the transnational project in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Sustainability, 11(22), 6456. (JCR Q2) 【6】Zhe Sun, Qi Ai* (2020). Too much reciprocity? the invisible impact of home political connections on the value creation of Chinese multinationals, Chinese Management Studies, 14 (2), 473-491. (JCR Q4) 【7】Zhe Sun, Liang Zhao* (2020). Chinese reverse M&As in the Netherlands: Chinese managers' trust building practices, Chinese Management Studies, 14(1), 69-91. (JCR Q4) 【8】Liang Zhao, Zhe Sun* (2020). Pure donation or hybrid donation crowdfunding: which model is more conducive to prosocial campaign success?, Baltic Journal of Management, 15 (2), 237-260. (JCR Q3) 【9】Zhe Sun, Liang Zhao*, Shuyue Wang, Hongyin Zhang, Xinyu Wang, Zherui Wan (2021). Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Households’ Livelihood Strategy in a Relation-Based Society: Evidence from Northeast China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 1747. (JCR Q1) 【10】Liang Zhao, Rotem Shneor, Zhe Sun* (2022). Skin in the game: Self-funding and reward crowdfunding success. Business Horizons, 65(1), 89-100. (JCR Q1) 【11】Zhe Sun et al. Do gunaxi and harmonious leadership matter in the sociocultural integration by Chinese multinational enterprises in the Netherlands?. International Journal of Emerging Markets, Accepted. (JCR Q2) 【12】Zhe Sun et al. Theorizing the relationship between digital economy and firm productivity. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. R&R.
呈报资政报告被采纳或批示情况: 【1】2022年5月, 有关金砖国家合作的部分意见被新华社内参采纳
博士论文: Zhe Sun (2016). YOU WEI AND WU WEI: Ambivalence of Chinese Outbound Mergers and Acquisitions. 博士论文,阿姆斯特丹大学. ISBN: 978-94-6259-997-0.